
I’m Mama Meaux

My real name is Monique. I am from the fun state of Louisiana — all things food & partying! I was born and raised here and since having my daughter, I don’t see myself moving anytime soon. My normal 9-5 job is an Senior Instructional Design Developer (this is where my love for graphic design came from). I am a wife, mother, bonus mom and creator of all things pretty! I offer graphic designs to all different types of businesses, people and even wedding graphics as well as event signage & event rental decor. Check out my services and shop to learn about all the products I offer to all of my amazing customers.

Pronunciation of Meaux?

In the French language, the combination -EAUX is actutally pronounced “O”. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I am from, we are passionate about our Cajun French culture so one of our two colleges has coined the saying “Geaux (GO) Tigers”. That is where the Meaux comes from.